Commentary on Avenues Adaptations of PEA Materials

Since I started working with Avenues: The World School, we have started writing a grade 6 and grade 7 problem-based curricula (coming soon) and adapted the Math 1 and Math 2 materials from PEA for a school that has a more diverse student body and less class time.

I have more time than I did when I was teaching full time and trying to write curriculum, so I decided I would try to write notes on the problems and the curriculum for teachers to be able to follow the work.  Please come to this page if you are interested in using the curriculum and need a place to get more information.  Avenues: The World School is very interested in outreach and spreading PBL pedagogy.

Teaching Circle Concepts with PBL (Math 2)

Teaching Pythagorean Distance with PBL (Math 2)

Teaching Distance Formula with PBL (end of Math 1 & Math 2)